May 2017 – Passenger bridges from Turkey to Equatorial Guinea
In April, our Turkish branch had a very special project. After a long period of preparation, it was possible to start the overseas-transport of four passenger bridges. The challenge: the project started with the customer in the Turkish Sakarya, on the Asian continent and ended in Africa, more precisely in Mengomeyén, a city in the east of Equatorial Guinea.
1500 km lay in front of the passenger bridges, all of which were transported together. First, all parts had to be transported to the port terminal from Safi in Derince on a stretch of 80 km. Since it was a total of 29 items, 8 trucks were needed on the same day.
With dimensions of 25.50 x 3.70 x 4.32 metres in length width and height in combined condition and a weight of 29.50 tonnes, the individual components are still real heavyweights.
In the Turkish port of Derince at Marmara Sea the chartered vessel, organised through our Turkish colleagues, was already waiting, which after the loading headed alongside the African west coast, to the port Bata (Equatorial Guinea). The bridges then went on the journey to the 200-km remote “President Obiang Nguema international airport” in Mengomeyén.
At their destination, they will enable the passengers a safe and easy boarding in the future. Here you can see an exciting video of the loading in turkey.